Husky Nutmeg's Word Gallery

Monday, June 06, 2005

Volunteering in Twenty five years

I've been involved in research about the future of volunteering... this is what I'm thinking just now. Perhaps at the other end of the research my perspective might change so I'm documenting the moment now.

I wonder whether people within the world community will feel more connected as a result of technology or will we feel more isolated and unable to communicate socially. Social skills are changing - the way we communicate with each other and the way we fear each other.

Litigation can make an act of kindness be twisted into something else.

The plethora of information at the tip of our fingers makes us less likely to explore our world; ask for help; meet like minded people face to face.

When terrorist actions become local news - a new generation is born into fear. In some ways that generation may become more resillient. The impact of losing faith in your neighbour - the deep rooted mistrust - could become another defining factor in how people might socially behave in 25 years.


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