Husky Nutmeg's Word Gallery

Monday, March 07, 2005

It's all musical...

Husky Nutmeg and friends went to see ‘Bride and Prejudice’. During the first two minutes, there was panic. 'Maybe I should have researched Ms Austen’s celebrated novel before I came. What if I don’t get it? What if everyone laughs at all the cleverly inserted references and I’m here sitting like a big-lipped, frowny-faced fish?'

At school HN read the classics, because that was the extent of the book list at the time. Emily Brontë, Daphne du Maurier, Alex Hayley - all there, as was Shakespeare. Even Jane Austen’s ‘Emma’ got onto the book list but ‘Pride and Prejudice’? It didn’t get a look in.

HN quietly pulled herself together, capturing her inner child and surrendering to the present moment. Yeah. Right.

And what a movie it was. Lots of vibrant colour, dancing and loads of shake-your-head, daggy music bits. Almost a complete representation of everything Husky Nootmuskaatje ever was. And all without research.

So go Bollywood. Husky Nutmeg salutes you (while singing loudly from her roof top while waving to her neighbour who is also singing, from a tree across the road where he is cutting a branch with a chain saw. And the kids playing cricket on the street have dropped their game to come and join in. Then there’s the ambulance men carrying a man on a stretcher down the road, all singing…)


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