Husky Nutmeg's Word Gallery

Friday, March 04, 2005

Time to Stop Moaning

Moany, wingey Husky Nutmeg had begun to feel the stress of everyday life’s mortar and pestle and so went to have a full-body-stress-busting massage and yes-it-was-a-Christmas-present-facial.

HN approached the counter where a little pixy greeted and led her to suitably ambient room, complete with terracotta tiles, fluffy towels, soothing music and three goldfish.

Surely Petite Pixy, thought HN, you are too delicate. You are perhaps not aware that the macramé draping over my shoulder blades is really a tangled fisherman’s net and with all due respect, you appear to be far too dainty for the task of unravelling it.

See, HN whines that she has been parenting for a hundred years now and working part time and playing part time and studying part time and volunteering part time makes not a full time but a no time. Oh well, thought HN, it's still a nice present so I'll just close my eyes...

Moments after HN settled on the massage table, Petite Pixy morphed into Super Pixy with the strength of a Scottish Highlander. In fact, Husky Nutmeg would not have been surprised if SPwtsoaSH had left her there, on the table, saying, “Wait there, Lassie. I’ll be back in a wee minute. I just have to go and toss the Caber.”

Husky Nutmeg left the ambient room, complete with terracotta tiles, fluffy towels, soothing music and three goldfish and went home feeling as loose as a weekend hooker. Positively pampered and jelly-ankled, she thanks the universe for pleasant surprises, Christmas presents and pixies of all varieties. Oh, and she promises to whine no more.


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