Husky Nutmeg's Word Gallery

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

It's all about Manners

Have our manners flown out of the Window[s]?

What if we were to have:

'Would you like to save blahblahblah.doc before closing?'

and have a choice of:

1. Yes Please

2. No Thank You

Wouldn't that be something?

It's these consistently growing omissions of respect that saddens Husky Nutmeg. Seeing impolite statements become the norm and somehow no one, no longer expecting grace and civility brings tears to her huskiest core. HN just wonders whether that's why decency isn't as common as it once was.

It has become a pendulum. There is either a complete absence of politeness or there's bucket loads of cheesy stuff gushing at you with lines like, '...We apologise for stealing the last thirty minutes from your day. You are important to us. We at Customer Service would just love to share your enquiry with as many departments as we can manage and, don't worry - we'll be sure you don't miss a full ten minute interval of Bach during each transfer.'

When it's not there we miss it.
When it's there we don't trust it.

HN supposes that's the case with most things. But she still thinks it's all about manners.


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